Sunday, April 28, 2013

Being In A Drama

Starring In A Korean Drama

Have you ever imagined yourself as the main girl in a Korean Drama??? I sure have, many times actually. 

It goes like this: 
1. You watch a drama
2. You fall in love with the main guy or the second lead
3. Then you imagine yourself as the main girl 
And BAM!!! You're a now a Korean Drama Star! (In your head of course)  

I have done this so many times, with a plethora of different dramas.  Some include: My Princess, Creating Destiny, Flower Boys Next Door, and Haeundae Lovers to name a few. Yes, I starred in all of these dramas, but it was all in my imagination! 

I remember watching a scene in 'My Princess' and then imagining myself as the main girl. It was the part when Song Seung-heon carried Kim Tae-hee, after her big press conference, and as a reward. Ah! That was so cute! I then decided that I had to be in that drama, so I imagined myself as Kim Tae-hee!

I find it funny to think about sometimes that we can actually "fall in love" with the characters of a drama. To the point that we imagine ourselves as the main girl or even think how it would be if we dated the character in real life! 

Maybe I just get way to involved with the Korean Dramas I watch, but nobody ever said that was a bad thing!

Have you ever "starred" in a Korean Drama? 
What Drama's do you imagine yourself in?

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